Tuesday 19 April 2005

Time for a very brief meditation

It is a bit too soon for me to record my thoughts about the election of the new pontiff... e-mails to friends, yes, but not on the Internet. However, the day must be commemorated, so I am including a quotation from Dr Ratzinger's urbi et orbi speech:

I am consoled by the fact that the Lord knows how to work and how to act, even with insufficient tools, and I especially trust in your prayers. In the joy of the resurrected Lord, we go on with his help. He is going to help us and Mary will be on our side.

That certainly is a point worthy of meditation. I am sorry I did not get to see the live coverage - I'd never expected the election to be concluded so soon. I could not help but remember young, robust John Paul's enthusiastic speech when he was elected.

Time for a bit of intercessory prayer here. I shudder to think of the weight of assuming the papacy - and the struggles ahead as this old man takes on the most difficult position on the planet. He is a highly competent theologian, but the pastoral role - the ecumenical dialogue - the responsibility of dealing with perhaps 16 rites and countless cultures (in many places, where Christians are a small minority) - well, the Holy Spirit can be the only source of that kind of strength.

Blessings on Benedict XVI, on the Church of Rome, and on all of Christ's Church. God grant us peace, and keep us one in our Saviour Jesus Christ - and the power of the Holy Spirit, the vicar of Christ on earth.

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