Tuesday 3 January 2006

Frost and chill, bless the Lord

Somehow, I can never recite that line from the canticle without shivering. I loathe winter - feel claustrophobic in a coat, hate the ice and cold, basically feel very trapped. The Christmas season at least has its pleasant aspects, but, with its ending later this week, all there is ahead are months of shivering, dark, cracked skin and lips which have the skin peeling when I drink my tea.

I keep reminding myself of the Light of the World. :) Of course, it is highly unlikely that he was born this time of year, but linking the feast to that of the Sol Invictus was a stroke of brilliance. At least, today, most of us have heat and hot water (albeit not as much as we might wish), and, as usual, my prayer of gratitude for that stirs up petitions for those who do not have these basics. It is painful for me to picture the homeless (with whom I worked for many years), shivering in cardboard boxes, trying to get some warmth from contact with one another.

Lord, if I may borrow a powerful image from Dickens - deliver us from Ignorance and Want.

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